What Happened?

Is everything OK?

You cancelled your order for

Canary Care GOLD!

Surely you don't think--with everything you get--that the price is too high.

Remember....It is worth MORE than the price!  I insist on OVER-delivering.

You get...

  1. A detailed, focused, helpful report regarding your canary's specific problem OR your individual question.
    • If you have a sick bird...
      • You'll be provided a discussion of what the symptoms might mean and other symptoms you should be looking for, plus...Ill let you know what the possible diagnosis is AND all the relevant treatment options available.  Then YOU can make the best choice for your canary.
    • If you simply have a general question about canary care that needs a detailed answer...
      • You'll get a bucket-load of information to aim you in the right direction for accomplishing your goals.
  2. I'll also point you to any helpful sites that can offer additional advice.
  3. Whenever possible I'll have an avian vet chime in and offer her high-valued recommendation.
  4. FREE unlimited follow up questions for 10 days after you receive your initial report.
  5. A FREE E-booklet--or as I like to call it..."E-Checklist"-- entitled, "COMMON CANARY DISEASES - A Quick Checklist" By Australian Bird Specialist Dr. Colin Walker  BSc, BVSc, MRCVS, MACVSc (Avian health).
    • This E-Checklist lists 18 of the most common canary illnesses along with
      • primary symptoms
      • secondary symptoms
      • causes
      • treatment information

Did PayPal scare you off?  Don't let it...

PayPal is the most secure way to make an online payment available.  I've been using it for years and have never had a single problem.

And don't worry about getting a PayPal account. You don't need one. When you get to the order page just click on the gray "Click Here" button.

You'll be taken to a secure page where you can enter your credit card number. It's perfectly safe. I promise. :-)

Please reconsider your cancellation. I want to help.

Click here now and let Canary Care GOLD!
help catapult you to canary care success.

If you have other concerns please let me know.  Contact me now.