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You cancelled your order for your CanaryTips! ad.

Surely you don't think--with the exposure you get--that the price is too high. Ezine ads are going for about $8 - $10 per 1000 subrcribers--which puts CanaryTips! at a value well over $15 per issue.

Remember....It is worth MORE than the price! I insist on OVER-delivering.

Did PayPal scare you off? Don't let it...

PayPal is the most secure way to make an online payment available. I've been using it for years and have never had a single problem.

And don't worry about getting a PayPal account. You don't need one. When you get to the order page just click on the gray "Click Here" button.

You'll be taken to a secure page where you can enter your credit card number. It's perfectly safe. I promise. :-)

Please reconsider your cancellation. I want to help.

Click here now and place your ad for the next CanaryTips!

If you have other concerns please let me know. Contact me now.