Breeding Canaries Fighting and Dieing Babies

by Salaheddine
(Morocco , Casablanca )

Breeding Canaries Fighting and Dieing Babies

Breeding Canaries Fighting and Dieing Babies

HI! Well I had three birds, 2 males and 1 female. The first old male has died :( , so I thought why not try the younger bird!

I put him with the female that I think is older than him and every time the male tries to sing to her she beats him up!!

I don't know why !! AND !! before the old male died he had some relations with the female but sadly the baby birds die :( and i don't know why.

Please help me. And sorry for the bad english !

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Oct 26, 2015
by: Paul

I think it is a common issue and if you feel like that then don’t allow them to live in a single cage. Separate them immediately. Otherwise it will happen like this. So watch them carefully. Keep sharing!

Oct 02, 2015
New Pet Canary
by: kate

This behavior is quite common in canaries, although you should ask your veterinarian for more information and a possible solution.

Jun 22, 2015
Cute Canary!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Justin

I also have four canaries in my home and I have been keeping then in a wonderful cage. Now they are much healthy and don’t have any other issues. I am very happy to visit this blog daily. It encourages me a lot.

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