Canaries in the Pacific Northwest - USA

by Sharon
(Mount Vernon, WA -- USA)

Red CB Male Canary

Red CB Male Canary

We have stepped back into the arena of having, enjoying and now breeding Canaries. Right now I have colorbred red canary babies that are now fledged and 7 weeks old, another fledged nest of colorbred Red babies with some splashes of dark patches (our first 3 purchased from a private breeder) and then went to a Show Breeder and a Bird Show for adding other birds and getting serious about color-bred birds, and now have an intense yellow, and Glosters.

So enjoying having canaries back in our home after about 25 years and wishing I had not waited so long as they bring such pleasure in their song, antics and piquing my interest in color genetics, conformation and health for future generations.

I have been involved with AKC Purebred Dogs as an exhibitor and breeder and currently still showing Yorkshire Terriers and our 58th year being involved in exhibiting and enjoying our dogs.

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Jun 19, 2024
Red Factor Canaries
by: Arturo Riolli

Looking for a red factor female canary..
Please let me know.

May 02, 2024
Looking to purchase
by: Anonymous


We are looking to get my grandma a canary since it's going to be mother's day! She's had birds her whole life but unfortunately she had to give her birds away when she moved.

Please let me know if you have any bird still on sale!

Apr 12, 2024
Red Factor Male or pair NEW
by: Cheri

Looking for a Red Factor male, we are in N Idaho. Can you email me if you have any available? Thanks!

Feb 06, 2024
Looking for red factor canary NEW
by: Ada-Reva Spae

We are seeking to add a new family member. I had a red factor Canary during my college days. I am now a grandmother with a very sweet special-needs granddaughter, (she adores all animals and is super helpful with their care.) who could truly benefit from helping to take care of a small pet.

Your website is a little clunky or my brain is a little clunky either way I would to connect.


Sep 30, 2023
Seeking a male singing canary NEW
by: Kate

Hello - I live in NW MT and you are the closest breeder. Do you ship? Or I'll be in the Puget Sound next week & could maybe meet on the 9th?
My email is
Thank you,

Apr 03, 2023
How do I get in touch with you? NEW
by: Marie

Do you have a singing male red factor? Do you Ship?

Oct 14, 2021
Looking for Hen
by: Patty P

Looking for a frosted red hen......Do you ship?

Apr 10, 2021
Wanting to purchase a red factor singing canary
by: Nora

Hello Sharon;
Do you have any male singing red factors and do you ship?

Mar 10, 2021
Critters and Birds
by: SissyBeans

Love canaries and indeed all critters. We saw a bird the size of a bush tit but with yellow on the head and A patch under the throat and he was gray with black and white lower feathers. Would have gotten a picture but they are fast like bush tits! If anyone has a clue could you share?
Thank you!
P.S. We live in the Pacific Northwest...

Oct 19, 2020
Gloster NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you currently have any glosters?

Apr 30, 2020
Babies for sale? NEW
by: Carrie

Do you have any males that are for sale? Looking to add a bird to my home soon

Apr 16, 2019
question NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you have any of your red fledgings for sale and are they sexed yet? Thank you -jh

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