Care of a Canary That Has CANKER

Skin Lesions, Vomiting, and Frothing at the Beak...YIKES! In the care of a canary don't forget to keep an eye out for the potentially deadly disease known as Canker.

Very common in pigeons, Canker is also known as a common cause of death in canaries and parakeets.

Canker and the Care of a Canary Bird

CANKER is a terribly consuming canary disease caused by the Trichomonad Protozoa.  Watch for...

  • vomiting
  • weight loss (even though he is eating normally), and
  • frothing at the beak.
  • skin lesions

Canker may be caused by...

  • over crowding in the cage
  • stress
  • poor hygiene

If you've had your canary for a while and you keep things relatively clean this canary disease probably will never be a problem.

It is possible though, that a NEW bird can have canker. He could have picked it up at the breeder's aviary or the pet store.

Good Care of a Canary...

...and prevention of this canary disease includes keeping your canary's cage and food dishes clean and disinfected.  If you see symptoms of Canker see an avian vet.

What's that you're saying? 

You prefer to treat your bird yourself?  It's a risk but a lot of canary owners do it.

Treat With...


I've never had a problem with Canker in my birds and so have never used Ronivet-S but it's generally accepted as the standard cure for Canker.  AND...

Reportedly it has no side effects and is effective on any protozoa.

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The common canary cold may be more serious than you think...

One of the most common canary illnesses is Respiratory Infections. 
Don't go anywhere until you've seen this powerful information on care of a canary here.

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