Gloster Canaries...

The oh, so cool, Gloster Canaries...You know, the canary birds with the Beatles haircut.

Gloster Canary

The Gloster Canary is often confused with the Crested Canary

Although the Gloster does have a "crest"...there is a separate breed of canary--also with a crest--called the Crested Canary.

The Glosters were bred to be small--short and stubby--no longer than 4 3/4 inches. For years the Glosters were being shown along side other Crested Canaries but finally in 1925 were recognized as a separate breed of canary.

Like most canaries the Gloster was named after the area in which he was developed.  Mrs. Rogerson of Gloucestershire---just say "Gloster"...close enough ;-) --- crossed Borders, Rollers, and Crested and ended up with the Gloster Canary.

The Gloster Canary

Although a Type Canary --and not bred for singing--the Gloster is known to have a beautiful song.  That song, combined with the fact that he sports the "Beatles Haircut", and being small and cute, the Gloster has become very popular.

Any Gloster with the crest is referred to as a Corona and those without crests (plainheads) are Consorts...

Due to some kind of "genetic glitch" a Corona should never be bred to another Corona...low chick survival is the outcome.  Corona and Consort are generally bred together but Consort to Consort is another alternative.

Glosters are seen in many color variations including...

  • green
  • yellow
  • cinnamon
Gloster Canaries

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Find a breeder of Gloster here.

To find out more about the Gloster visit the National Gloster Club .

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